
Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction for getting started with staticjinja.


Installing staticjinja is simple:

$ pip install staticjinja

This installs two things:

  • A command line interface (CLI) to staticjinja for basic needs.
  • A python library, accessible via the Developer Interface, to be used with a custom python build script for advanced needs.

Rendering templates with CLI

If you’re just looking to render simple data-less templates, you can get up and running with the command line interface:

$ staticjinja build
 Rendering index.html...

This will recursively search ./templates for templates (any file whose name does not start with . or _) and build them to ..

To monitor your source directory for changes, and recompile files if they change, use watch:

$ staticjinja watch
 Rendering index.html...
 Watching 'templates' for changes...
 Press Ctrl+C to stop.

CLI Configuration

build and watch each take 3 options:

  • --srcpath - the directory to look in for templates (defaults to ./templates);
  • --outpath - the directory to place rendered files in (defaults to .);
  • --static - the directory (or directories) within srcpath where static files (such as CSS and JavaScript) are stored. Static files are copied to the output directory without any template compilation, maintaining any directory structure. This defaults to None, meaning no files are considered to be static files. You can pass multiple directories separating them by commas: --static="foo,bar/baz,lorem".

Additionally, you can specify the logging level with --log={debug,info,warning,error,critical}. Default is info.

Next Steps

If the CLI does not satisfy your needs, more advanced configuration can be done with custom python build scripts using the staticjinja API. See Advanced Usage for details.