Advanced Usage

This document covers some of staticjinja’s more advanced features.

Partials and ignored files

A partial file is a file whose name begins with a _. Partial files are intended to be included in other files and are not rendered. If a partial file changes, it will trigger a rebuild if you are running staticjinja watch.

An ignored file is a file whose name begins with a .. Ignored files are neither rendered nor used in rendering templates.

If you want to configure what is considered a partial or ignored file, subclass Site and override is_partial or is_ignored.

Using Custom Build Scripts

The command line shortcut is convenient, but sometimes your project needs something different than the defaults. To change them, you can use a build script.

A minimal build script looks something like this:

from staticjinja import Site

if __name__ == "__main__":
    site = Site.make_site()
    # enable automatic reloading

To change behavior, pass the appropriate keyword arguments to Site.make_site.

  • To change which directory to search for templates, set searchpath="searchpath_name" (default is ./templates).
  • To change the output directory, pass in outpath="output_dir" (default is .).
  • To add Jinja extensions, pass in extensions=[extension1, extension2, ...].
  • To change which files are considered templates, subclass the Site object and override is_template.


Deprecated since version 0.3.4: Use Make or similar to copy static files. See Issue #58

To change where static files (such as CSS or JavaScript) are stored, set staticpaths=["mystaticfiles/"] (the default is None, which means no files are considered to be static files). You can pass multiple directories in the list: staticpaths=["foo/", "bar/"]. You can also specify singly files to be considered as static: staticpaths=["favicon.ico"].

Finally, just save the script as (or something similar) and run it with your Python interpreter.

$ python
Building index.html...
Templates built.
Watching 'templates' for changes...
Press Ctrl+C to stop.

Loading data

Some applications render templates based on data sources (e.g. CSVs or JSON files).

The simplest way to supply data to templates is to pass Site.make_site() a mapping from variable names to their values (a “context”) as the env_globals keyword argument.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    site = Site.make_site(env_globals={
        'greeting':'Hello world!',

Anything added to this dictionary will be available in all templates:

<!-- templates/index.html -->

If the context needs to be different for each template, you can restrict contexts to certain templates by supplying Site.make_site() a sequence of regex-context pairs as the contexts keyword argument. When rendering a template, staticjinja will search this sequence for the first regex that matches the template’s name, and use that context to interpolate variables. For example, the following code block supplies a context to the template named “index.html”:

from staticjinja import Site

if __name__ == "__main__":
    context = {'knights': ['sir arthur', 'sir lancelot', 'sir galahad']}
    site = Site.make_site(contexts=[('index.html', context)])
<!-- templates/index.html -->
<h1>Knights of the Round Table</h1>
{% for knight in knights %}
    <li>{{ knight }}</li>
{% endfor %}

If contexts needs to be generated dynamically, you can associate filenames with functions that return a context (“context generators”). Context generators may either take no arguments or the current template as its sole argument. For example, the following code creates a context with the last modification time of the template file for any templates with an HTML extension:

import datetime
import os

from staticjinja import Site

def date(template):
    template_mtime = os.path.getmtime(template.filename)
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(template_mtime)
    return {'template_date': date.strftime('%d %B %Y')}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    site = Site.make_site(
        contexts=[('.*.html', date)],

By default, staticjinja uses the context of the first matching regex if multiple regexes match the name of a template. You can change this so that staticjinja combines the contexts by passing mergecontexts=True as an argument to Site.make_site(). Note the order is still important if several matching regex define the same key, in which case the last regex wins. For example, given a build script that looks like the following code block, the context of the index.html template will be {'title': 'MySite - Index', 'date': '05 January 2016'}.

import datetime
import os

from staticjinja import Site

def base(template):
    template_mtime = os.path.getmtime(template.filename)
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(template_mtime)
    return {
        'template_date': date.strftime('%d %B %Y'),
        'title': 'MySite',

def index(template):
    return {'title': 'MySite - Index'}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    site = Site.make_site(
        contexts=[('.*.html', base), ('index.html', index)],


Filters modify variables. staticjinja uses Jinja2 to process templates, so all the standard Jinja2 filters are supported. To add your own filters, simply pass filters as an argument to Site.make_site().

filters = {
    'hello_world': lambda x: 'Hello world!',
    'my_lower': lambda x: x.lower(),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    site = Site.make_site(filters=filters)

Then you can use them in your templates as you would expect:

<!-- templates/index.html -->
{% extends "_base.html" %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{{'' | hello_world}}</h1>
<p>{{'THIS IS AN EXAMPLE WEB PAGE.' | my_lower}}</p>
{% endblock %}

Rendering rules

Rendering is the step in the build process where templates are evaluated to their final values using contexts, and the output files are written to disk.

Sometimes you’ll find yourself needing to change how a template is rendering. For instance, you might want to render files with a .md from Markdown to HTML, without needing to put jinja syntax in your Markdown files. The following walkthrough is an explanation of the example that you can find and run yourself at examples/markdown/.


If you want to run the example, you will need to install the markdown library from

The structure of the project after running will be:

├── src
│   ├── _post.html
│   └── posts
│       ├──
│       └──
└── build
    └── posts
        ├── post1.html
        └── post2.html

First, look at src/_post.html

<!-- src/_post.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>My Blog</title>
        {{ post_content_html }}

This template will be used for each of our markdown files, each of which might represent a blog post. This template expects a context with a post_content_html entry, which will get generated from each markdown file.

Now let’s look at our build script. It does two things:

  1. For every markdown template, use a context generator function (see above) to translate the markdown contents into html using the markdown library.
  2. For each markdown template, compile that context into the src/_post.html template, and then write that to disk. The output post1.html should be placed in the same location relative to out/ as the input was relative to src/.

The first step is accomplished in md_context(), and the second step is done in render_md():

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from pathlib import Path

import markdown

from staticjinja import Site

markdowner = markdown.Markdown(output_format="html5")

def md_context(template):
    markdown_content = Path(template.filename).read_text()
    return {"post_content_html": markdowner.convert(markdown_content)}

def render_md(site, template, **kwargs):
    # i.e. posts/ -> build/posts/post1.html
    out = site.outpath / Path(".html")

    # Compile and stream the result
    os.makedirs(out.parent, exist_ok=True)
    site.get_template("_post.html").stream(**kwargs).dump(str(out), encoding="utf-8")

site = Site.make_site(
    contexts=[(r".*\.md", md_context)],
    rules=[(r".*\.md", render_md)],


Note the rule we defined at the bottom. It tells staticjinja to check if the filename matches the .*\.md regex, and if it does, to render the file using render_md().

There are other, more complicated things you could do in a custom render function as well, such as not write the output to disk at all, but instead pass it somewhere else.

Logging and Debugging

By default staticjinja logs all messages at level INFO and higher to stderr via a logging.StreamHandler(). You can modify staticjinja’s logging behavior fairly easily by modifying staticjinja.logger:

import logging
import staticjinja
# Debug staticjinja by printing all debug messages...
# Or do whatever else you want, such as logging to a file instead of stderr
staticjinja.logger.loggers = []